
"We both speak English. Why don't we understand each other?"

Speaking the same language does not guarantee good communication when people come from different cultures:

Different Norms and Values

Different Approaches to Knowing

Different Attitudes Toward Disclosure

Different Decision-Making Styles

Different Approaches to Completing Tasks

Different Attitudes Toward Conflict

Different Communication Styles...

In daily work interactions, different perceptions and communication styles can cause roadblocks to effective team performance and productivity. On overseas assignment, not being informed about local customs, values and appropriate behavior can seriously handicap your venture.

It is estimated that more than half of all international joint ventures fail within two or three years.

The reason most often given is cultural myopia and lack of cultural competency - not the lack of technical or professional expertise.

An understanding of the country's culture, business practices and its people's psyche can prove to be an invaluable
tool to conducting business effectively.

Understanding the need for cultural awareness and sensitivity is just the ante to get into the game of global business.

Cultural competency is the foundation upon which successful business is built.

More than ever in human history, there is an urgent need for intercultural understanding.

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